Na úvod (úvodník z roku 2005)

Úvodník z roku 2005: Pre zaciatok by som vas rad privital. V tomto fore sa budem snazit rozoberat vsetko po Slovensky. Budem tu odovzdavat vsetky linky a veci ktore som zistil pocas vyskumu. A to iste by som ocakaval aj od vas. Napiste nieco vasej rodine, pripadne o tom ci nepoznate niekoho kto vo vasom okoli patra po svojich predkoch.

Michal Hrčka

~ Michal is a founder of company (Obnova inc.) that is mostly concerned with restoration and conservation of historical facades, interiors and castles using traditional materials and techniques. ~ In the year 2000 he established an internet magazine about cultural heritage, which is the biggest internet medium at this field now. ~

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