Definition: Tuber

1. hrbolec, navretá bump on human al. animal body: h. the head;
h. He navrela, stormed to the whole;

According to Institute of Linguistics ¼. Stur SAV and their publications: Dictionary Slovak language the word Hrčka guided by the following:

hrča1, -and, hŕč/hrčí ž.

1. hrbolec, navretá opuchlina the human al. animal body: h. the head;
h. He navrela, stormed to the whole

2. hard Uzlina in the trees, node: h. on doske, h. the floor;

3. spherical al. guľkovitá elevation, bump, Uzlina, gundža: h. on the tree, on povraze, on yarn;

wood. anything twisted, formed into Yellow: h. basket, meat (Taj.), h. pitch (Jil.), h-e dymu (Be.);

4. hŕba, pile, amount something: they kill sheep to bulge (Kuk.);
After the country live hrčagive up on sand writhe. (Character.);

tuber, -and, -čiek ž. diminutive.

tuber p. hrča1

Morphological analyzer

noun, feminine(one) hrčka SSfs1; (without) hrčky SSfs2; (k) hrčke SSfs3; (see) hrčku SSfs4; (from) tuber! SSfs5; (the) hrčke SSfs6; (s) Hrčka SSfs7;

(two) hrčky SSfp1; (without) lumps SSfp2; (k) hrčkám SSfp3; (see) hrčky SSfp4; (from) hrčky! SSfp5; (the) lump SSfp6; (s) bumps SSfp7;

Michal Hrčka

~ Michal is a founder of company (Restoration inc.) that is mostly concerned with restoration and conservation of historical facades, interiors and castles using traditional materials and techniques. ~ In the year 2000 he established an internet magazine about cultural heritage, which is the biggest internet medium at this field now. ~

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