References to gender research Liptove

On the web site institutions, their staff State Archives in, Liptovsky Mikulas branch of literature to historical research.
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KING, A.: The nobility of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Prague 1904. 311 s.
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HUNGARY county and cities. Heves County, Budapest, OMT b.r. 699 s.
HUNGARY county and cities. Hont County. Budapest, OMT b.r. 490 s.
HUNGARY county and cities. Komárom County. Budapest, OMT b.r. 600 s.
HUNGARY county and cities. Nógrád. Budapest, OMT b.r. 748 s.
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MAJLÁTH, B.: The turóczdivéki
and Paludza
Platthy family history 1260tól
Tour, 17, 1899, s.
MAJLÁTH, B.: Zemche ivadékai. (The csemiczei Csemiczky benyiczei Benyiczky and family.) Tour, 17, 1899, s.
MAKAY, D.: The Dravecz and remove Draveczky family. Tour, 18, 1900, s. 7582.
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MÁLYUSZ, It. - BAG, I.: The Szentiványi
family archives 12301525.
Budapest, Academic publisher 1988. 93
RAIL, S.: Arad County Arad and a free royal city history II / 2. Arad 1895. 911 s.
Mattyasovszky, L.: Liptói crests. Swedish People's Party. year 1918 in Liptov Museum.
MEDZIHRADSZKY, A.G.: 55 Číměř yeoman familial Orava the Slovak National Museum in Turč.
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MELIÓRISZ, B.: The family Meliórisz. Tour, 14, 1896, s. 121124.
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MOYŠ, L.A.: Chronicle family of Moyse. Bratislava 1937, 2. Vyd. 1944. Mimeograph. 14 s. gen. tb. in Slovenskom
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GREAT, I.: Hungary családai czímerekkel nemzékrendi signs and I x II.
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NÉMETHY, L.: Contribute to the Hungarian conductor Czimra books. Tour, 3, 1885, s. 131134.
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NOVÁK, J.: Gender emblems in Slovakia I. Kubínyiho collection of seals. Martin, Enlightenment 1980. 373 s.
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Nyáry, A.: The guiding principle heraldry. Budapest, MTA 1886. 291 s.
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OLD NAMES of the village(town):
1773 Likauka, 1786 Likawka, 1808 Likavka cum Lubochna et Briésztocsna, 1863 Lykavka, 1873-1882 Likavka, 1888 Likava, 1892- Likavka
POPULATION of Likavka in 2005: 3012 inhabitants
SURNAMES in 2005 (the first 100 most common surnames of the village(town)):
note: all below surnames are listed by slovak, english and hungarian spelling
Apolenár Apolenar Apolenar Apolenárová Apolenarova Apolenarova Bakoš Bakos Bakos Bakošová Bakosova Bakosova Balážová Balazova Balazsova Bírošová Birosova Birosova Boroš Boros Boros Brtko Brtko Brtko Brtková Brtkova Brtkova Buková Bukova Bukova Bukový Bukovy Bukovy Burgár Burgar Burgar Burgárová Burgarova Burgarova Bystričan Bystrican Bysztricsan Bystričanová Bystricanova Bysztricsanova Drapáčová Drapacova Drapacsova Durdík Durdik Durdik Durdíková Durdikova Durdikova Fainová Fainova Fainova Fajta Fajta Fajta Fajtová Fajtova Fajtova Gejdoš Gejdos Gejdos Gejdošová Gejdosova Gejdosova Halam Halam Halam Halamová Halamova Halamova Haluška Haluska Haluska Halušková Haluskova Haluskova Hanousková Hanouskova Hanouszkova Hatala Hatala Hatala Hatalová Hatalova Hatalova Hlinka Hlinka Hlinka Hlinková Hlinkova Hlinkova Holdoš Holdos Holdos Holdošová Holdosova Holdosova Holota Holota Holota Holotová Holotova Holotova Hradská Hradska Hradszka Hradský Hradsky Hradszky Hrčka Hrcka Hrcska Hrčková Hrckova Hrcskova Jáger Jager Jager Jankovičová Jankovicova Jankovicsova Javorka Javorka Javorka Javorková Javorkova Javorkova Klačko Klacko Klacsko Klačková Klackova Klacskova Klopta Klopta Klopta Kloptová Kloptova Kloptova Kohút Kohut Kohut Kondra Kondra Kondra Konfál Konfal Konfal Konfálová Konfalova Konfalova Kozica Kozica Kozicza Královenská Kralovenska Kralovenszka Královenský Kralovensky Kralovenszky Kruták Krutak Krutak Krutáková Krutakova Krutakova Kucko Kucko Kuczko Kucková Kuckova Kuczkova Lauko Lauko Lauko Lauková Laukova Laukova Lejko Lejko Lejko Lúdik Ludik Ludik Lukáč Lukac Lukacs Maga Maga Maga Magová Magova Magova Marton Marton Marton Martonová Martonova Martonova Mišovie Misovie Misovie Mlynarčík Mlynarcik Mlynarcsik Mračko Mracko Mracsko Mračková Mrackova Mracskova Mušutová Musutova Musutova Nemček Nemcek Nemcsek Nemčeková Nemcekova Nemcsekova Pšeno Pseno Pseno Pšenová Psenova Psenova Rázga Razga Razga Rázgová Razgova Razgova Reháková Rehakova Rehakova Riša Risa Risa Roško Rosko Rosko Rošková Roskova Roskova Sališ Salis Szalis Sališová Salisova Szalisova Stehurová Stehurova Sztehurova Švajleninová Svajleninova Svajleninova Švalecová Svalecova Svaleczova Švento Svento Svento Šventová Sventova Sventova Sýkora Sykora Szykora Timko Timko Timko Trepáň Trepan Trepany Trepáňová Trepanova Trepanyova Turan Turan Turan Veselovská Veselovska Veszelovszka Vrabko Vrabko Vrabko Vrabková Vrabkova Vrabkova