Category: Present – News


Unpronounceable surname Hrčka

V knihe Funny Thing about Names Od autora: Jim Wegryn, I found a paragraph about how hard to pronounce name Hrčka. Supposedly it is impossible to express the combination of phonemes. Read more in the preview, or...


Definition: Tuber

According to the Language Institute of. Stur and Publications: Dictionary Slovak language the word Hrčka guided by the following: hrča1, -and, HRC / f hrčí. 1. hrbolec, navretá bump on human al. animal body: h. the head; h....


Hrcka in other languages

Surename Hrcka in other languages: It is little bit funny: translate a surrname :) Japan: cobe (couple) Danish: Bulge (balž), worth, wen, knob Hungary: Csomosi Poland: wenzet, wenzeu? Spain: Nudo France: Bossete or Boss...


Navstevnost tejto the page

From year 2005: Date Unique Hosts 1.4. 2 3.4. 1 4.4. 3 5.4. 1 6.4. 1 10.4. 3 11.4. 4 13.4. 37 17.4. 9 — zaciatok dna TOTAL VISITORS IN THIS PERIOD: 61 Legend:...


To home (editorial of the year 2005)

The editorial of the year 2005: For starters, I would like to welcome. In this forum we will try to disassemble all the Slovak. Here I will transmit all links and things that I discovered during the research. A...


Basic instructions of 2004 – still relevant

This editorial I wrote on the website (alternative / Genealogy) where it worked the first forum about genealogy and history name Hrčka. Transcription first reactions: Michal Hrčka – harp This forum is in no way designed...