Tagged: Horna Krupa


War period (SNP)

Citizens Horna Krupa showed their courage and resistance to the fascists at the time of the Slovak National Uprising. Among partisans fought heroically Domin Hrčka, Ján Nadasska, Jozef Hasenovič, Ján Dvorak, Ján Blažo, Stefan Gažo, Stefan...



palo play, I also Hrcka and Metro Manila. A two assets, of Trnava's of lumps is more, And anyway it's not the same family, and indeed even personally dont know. Knows only...


Basic instructions of 2004 – still relevant

This editorial I wrote on the website www.hrcka.tk (alternative www.harp.obnova.sk / Genealogy) where it worked the first forum about genealogy and history name Hrčka. Transcription first reactions: Michal Hrčka – harp This forum is in no way designed...