Tagged: Slovakia


Hrčkovci the field: Kálnica, Trakovice, Nove Mesto, Bučany

On the Internet at http://familytrees.genopro.com/7611281451/Piackovi-Samekovi/places.htm I found a cluster of family relationships with surname Hrčka. List: about Hrčka (14 Individuals) Male Ambroz Hrčka Female Anna Krištofíková (Hrčková) HRC does not Cecília Blažeková Male Female (Hrčková) Male Filip Hrčka...


The incidence Hrčka name / Hrčková

According to the publication: P. Ďurčo et al.: Database of proper names and names of sites in Slovakia. Background to the project: Copernicus Programme, project COP-58: Onomásticas-Copernicus DATABASE. CD ROM. Paris: ELRA – 1998. Surname HRČKA in Slovakia...


Book: Removing nests

I stumbled upon interest-wave º book “Removing nests” ½ ch in several paragraphs talking about surnames game I: http://books.google.sk/books?id=5JnqAAAAMAAJ&q=HrÄ ka&dq=HrÄ ka&r =&ei=DKJMS6XsJIvazQT4iN3lCw&cd = 70 Author: John Beno Year: 1982 – 209 Parties


The oldest of the family name zazanam Hrcka

The earliest record of Hrckovcoch, that I have this: Katarina Hrcka, married stelina. She was born in 1717 in Chlebnice (Slovakia, Squirrel?) Eat Manzel Juraj Stelina narodeny to Blame, Orava in 1714th...



palo play, I also Hrcka and Metro Manila. A two assets, of Trnava's of lumps is more, And anyway it's not the same family, and indeed even personally dont know. Knows only...

Internet Resources

http://www.surnameweb.org/registry/h/r/c/hrcka.shtml Hrckovci where they lived in the US in the year 1920: / Where was live a Hrcka people in USA in year 1920.: http://www.ancestry.com/search/SurnameP … =&ln=Hrcka Palo Hrcka http://hrcka.webpark.sk/ Michal Hrcka – harp http://www.obnova.sk, www.obnova.eu, www.spolocnost.obnova.sk...


LIKAVKA and Martin? (Ružomberok)

Written by: Stanislav Hatala hatala@art.sk v Maji 2006 Good den,My father also comes from Likavka. A pamatam,several times by the name of Hrcka.Lenze it if I had other interests and priority.A so from now,after a long time...


List of fixed telephone stations Hrčkovcov

List of fixed telephone stations Hrčkovcov in Slovakia according to www.zoznamst.sk 2. 3. 2004 (217) Less Adresa akad.mal. Helena Hrčková Rezedová , Bratislava akad.mal. Milan Hrčka Páričkova , Bratislava Alena Hrčková Svätoplukova , Bánovce over...


Basic instructions of 2004 – still relevant

This editorial I wrote on the website www.hrcka.tk (alternative www.harp.obnova.sk / Genealogy) where it worked the first forum about genealogy and history name Hrčka. Transcription first reactions: Michal Hrčka – harp This forum is in no way designed...